The Power of Triumphant Faith

Whenever as Christians we find ourselves in difficult situation(s), we ought to be very careful what choice(s) we make. Your decisions at such times are very crucial to your destiny. Esau is a good example. When life’s challenges came his way, he mapped out his own deliverance by himself. He sold his birth right instead of depending on God for help and deliverance. Our everyday confessions that we are Christ’s can only be proven when challenges come. Challenges are our golden chance to say, “Lord, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from You.” It is the proof that we do not just pay lip service to the Almighty God. And it is the most beneficial place to be. From this place of unbroken covenant, revelation will flood your hearts and illuminate your paths. The problem is that once people find an easy way out, they embrace it instead of waiting for God’s judgment  on the matter. As a result, many people remain in the same position. The ability to mount up like an eagle and fly comes from within. If children are given whatever they cry for, then they will remain children even when they are physical matured and advanced in age. However, for a child to grow, certain things he is used to are withdrawn from him. This withdrawal is painful to the child but it is the bedrock for his maturity. Pain is necessary for growth.

God too allows His children to go through some painful process. The end result is that they grow and mature rightly. In the same way that a good friend of a parent will not interfere in his kids training process, ministers should also not interfere with the process God allows in people’s lives. When we interfere with this process, people in their pain become attached to us instead of God. It is important they go through this process if they will fulfill destiny. Once we interfere with God’s process of grooming people, physically and mentally laziness sets in. God uses the discomfort and pain we feel in times of crises to get our attention so that we can look in and discover who we really are. Challenges come so that individuals can push beyond the natural and the mundane and break into some bigger and significant things. For God takes away the first to establish the second(Heb. 10:9). In spite of the challenge, stand firm and trust God.

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.”(2Timothy 2:19). You need to prove that God can trust you with issues irrespective of how they affect you. There’s always a glory after the pain. For that which was ahead Jesus endured the cross. What glory do you anticipate when the storm passes? If you envisage any at all, God has more stored up for you. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither can your heart fathom what the Almighty God has stored up for you! It’s a reward for remaining His ambassador in spite of the discomfort. Hang in there! Be careful what choices you make. Situations that will make you stoop low will always come your way. It is time to stop looking up to men for survival. Rise up on your inside, discover the grace and anointing God placed on you. Discover that well of water and drink of it. You will realize that the best lies on the inside of you after all. Find the revelation in the word of God. You will be satisfied by it as you confess it.

“Everyman’s belly is satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.”(Prov 18:20). It is good for people to pray for you but when you pray for yourself it counts more. Therefore, continue in your prayer and confessions. Watch and see how God will transform your situation into the miraculous!

Psalms 100:1-5; John 4:23
