The biggest tool of the spirit, the mind – Pastor ‘Poju Oyemade


From now till the end of the year, I will teach on how the Spirit of God uses our minds to transform our lives, and helps us build a successful enterprise.

The mind is the most important tool the Holy Spirit uses in creating sound ideas. He then builds a strategy on implementing them.

This article focuses on this particular tool, because for some reason, the church hasn’t spoken about this area in the life of a believer, and I believe two things are responsible for this.

First of all, Satan knows that this is the real tool for transformation. That is, without the Christian’s understanding of how the mind works, they won’t know how to produce results that they see within the scriptures.

And so if you talk to the majority of the body of Christ, what they know, is not reflecting in their lives.

If you compare the knowledge they have with what is going on in their lives, then you know that there is a big gap, and the reason is that the tool which the Spirit uses to transform lives is the mind.

Romans 12:2 tells us ‘…don’t be conformed to this world. So, don’t let this world squeeze you into its mood but “…be transformed…”.

Take the limitations off by the renewing of your mind.

The word ‘transformation’ means metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis is when an insect goes from the caterpillar time and goes right up and then it becomes the butterfly. Which means, it moves from the caterpillar infancy and then it becomes the butterfly.

So you might see a Christian mounting up with wings as eagles – butterfly. That is, s/he is doing powerful things.

Then another one is getting ‘caterpillar result’, and you wonder what is the difference between these two Christians.

It is the stage of their minds.

One has allowed the thoughts of God to shape his mind to such a way that it now reflects within, i.e. thoughts on the inside are working within him that is creating an outward expression.  

He is now able to do massive things, while the other one is still crawling. They are both children of God but the distinction is not found in their bodies or recreated spirits.

The life of God is present but it is found in their minds of the people.

That’s why Paul said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. They are spiritual, but the battleground is the mind.

Satan, knowing that, goes there and sets the blindfold over their minds and they are not able to translate the things that they have heard into their own lives.

So when the bible says that the last enemy of Christ is death, I believe to an extent, it’s talking about the carnal mind also, which is death.

That is, it is that carnal mind, that unrenewed mind, that causes Christians to be ‘squeezed’ to follow their limitations and don’t see things on the outside.

Therefore because we don’t know about it, we pray in tongues, we spend time fasting, we hope that something will happen because we don’t know things happen as the mind is being renewed.

So it’s through the mind that we can overcome limitations and every obstacle.

In other words, when you are facing a limitation, God, through the Holy Ghost starts suggesting to your mind that if you can open up to him, thoughts begin to come, and you can overcome anything.

You can surmount any obstacle once you understand that the Holy Ghost will supply thoughts to your minds.

That it’s not about you praying and hoping that an external power will come change things on the outside. But that the Holy Spirit will work through your mind. 

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