The Power of Triumphant Faith

Mark 4:24-25; “And he said unto them, Take heed with what you hear: with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. For him that have it shall be given: and he that has not, from him shall be taken that which he has.”

There is an attitude that goes with lack. This attitude makes you think that whatever you have is either inadequate or nothing. It can also be called the “have not attitude”. This simply means you have a defect in the way you think. When you go into transaction with the world you go in with that same attitude or mentality because you think doing so will get you more things on the outside. A man with this kind of mentality fails to understand that even that which he has could be taken away from him. However, the man that goes with the consciousness or the sense of ownership, to that man, it says more shall be given to him.

“The scripture says, “the just shall live by faith” (Heb10:38) but in Habakkuk 2:4 it also says “the just shall live by his own faith.” Therefore, a man must live by his own faith if he wants to achieve anything meaningful. All he needs is to get into what God has already designed for him.

God will never operate outside what He has already given you in order to get you into the space that you ought to be on the earth, i.e. the next level of your life. God will only work with what is in your hands today. You must understand and know for a fact that what you have in your hand is more than enough to take you to the next phase of your life. The reason you think what you have is not enough or seems to be nothing amongst so many only lies in your mind which is due to a defect.

A lot of people own what they have in a defective way. For instance, a person can have five loaves of bread and two fishes and still look at it as if it was nothing. But this food ended up feeding five thousand people. This is because gratitude was shown. When you show gratitude for the little you have it opens up your eyes to the Rhema of God concerning it. Thus, when there is a defect inside the mind, it hinders God from doing what He is capable of doing in your life.

It does not matter how small or how big what you have is. What matters is that you are able to see beyond what is in your hands by the revelation God has given you concerning it. Also, knowing it will get you from where you are to where you ought to be and need to be.

As you begin to speak the Rhema of God into what you have things will automatically begin to take the shape they ought to take and bring about the manifestation of God’s blessing for the next level of your life.

In conclusion, God can only work and produce the supernatural within your life with what you have. In order for this to happen, you have got to correct the defect in your mind that makes you ungrateful and think less of what God has blessed you with now. This is because it is only after you change that attitude and mindset that you will be able to align your mind, heart and spirit with God’s word or promise for the next phase of your life!!.



Psalms 100:1-5; John 4:23
