The Power of Triumphant Faith

The process of manifestation is a definite process and all things are actually possible when you get the substance of that thing into your being.  Faith is the substance that you need and it is freely imparted by Jesus Christ into the heart of anybody that so desires. Once that substance gets inside your heart it produces results on the outside.

 For instance, it was this substance that entered into the heart of the Jewish people when they were before the red sea and the bible says by faith they walked on dry ground. This means that because the substance entered into their heart the red sea parted before them. It was this same substance that entered into the heart of the Israelite that made them able to conquer the wall of Jericho which every other person thought was impossible.

What brings about the impossible being made possible through faith is usually when challenges occur. Challenges usually come into people’s lives simply to prove to humanity and to inspire others that all the limitations have been taken away. This is to show the “blind” that there is a way in this life they do not know about. To tell people that are sitting in darkness and have given up on life because of circumstances around them that the prison doors have being opened and they can walk out of it.

As Christians, we have an assignment, not just to get results in order to personally benefit from it but to inspire other people that all things are possible.  You do not have to worry or brood over issues, instead what you need to do is to face the challenge.  When people see the ease at which those things manifest in your life, then it becomes obvious to them that it is also possible for them to achieve such things.

It is one thing to do something and another thing to inspire people to continue in what they do. A lot of people observe what you do and are taking account of your life especially people connected to you. They might not consciously be relating to you but they are asking questions, and the greatest testimony you can ever have is to create hunger in other people about God through what you personally accomplish. For example, by  showing  people how to get  practical results in business through the use of the word of God, will prove to people that this substance of faith can be accessed within their life without any help from anybody  if they need anything done.

 In conclusion, depending totally on God is far more than wealth benefits.  It also inspires people to get up and want more from life. Therefore, thank God and bless Him that you are going through whatever you are going through because you are surely coming out of it. There will be no question about the eventual outcome when you choose to stay on, because once the decision has being made and it is a completed act in the spirit realm you are out of the situation.

Psalms 100:1-5; John 4:23
