The Power of Triumphant Faith

Normalcy bias is a common human tendency where people treat issues as normal assuming that things will always remain the same irrespective of red lights. Generally, people tend to show a disposition that is fixed on having things the same way all the time. They resist any form of change.  Even when confronted with the realities of life, they find it difficult to leave their comfort zone. They show a sense of denial by shying away from signals of change.

This is a problem.  A lot of people do not want to come to terms with the realities within their lives. They tend to live within a bubble that they have created by themselves and so, regardless of what is going on within their environment they continue to live as though nothing has changed.  In reality, this is the world of their imagination and such people do not want their worlds tampered with. In other words, even though changes may happen around them, they still live in the past,  never embracing the change. This is called normalcy bias. People in such state talk as though things will still and always remain the same. They don’t respond to situations as they emerge.

As Christians and people that want growth, we must learn to face reality. It is better to face the realities of life!  Have great dreams about your future . Have faith to back those great dreams with powerful affirmations and declarations. But also confront the realities of life . Confront these realities with the certainty  that whatever you declare about them will come to pass.  It is a matter of you releasing your faith through your words. Expose your faith and your dream to Biblical revelations. Let the Scriptures illuminate you. Then, God will bring you to the point where you will be certain that your dreams will be fulfilled. God will release His power to fulfil your desire.  It’s important we know that God’s grace is available to see us through with each change in the tide of life. We need not fear or remain fixated on the old. He will show us at all times a way of escape. The state of normalcy bias is an illusion we must flee. Let us boldly go before Him and He will illuminate our path.

Once  a degree of light shines on us, fear is dispelled. Then, you are able to confront realities parading within your environment. Faith does not hide from reality. It challenges it. It confronts inadequate or wrong belief systems. If you are genuinely working in faith, then do not be afraid no matter what sprouts within your environment. It is your duty to challenge them. It is your duty to think through on those issues of life you would prefer never existed. Avoid titling towards the bias. Don’t hide yourself within a max. Nothing will change until you face reality and confront them.

Always embrace change when it comes your way. Face them squarely. Deal with them using the Word of God. “ For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”(Heb 4vs12).

“Poju Oyemade”

Psalms 100:1-5; John 4:23
