The Power of Triumphant Faith

In life, we face many challenges but as Christians, we should at such times respond immediately through prayers. Sometimes, God, through the situations we find ourselves draw our attention to certain relevant issues we need to deal with. Thrashing out these challenges are usually the pre requisite for getting into the next stage of life. It is necessary that you become determined to answer the questions of life that pop up in your space. Do not neglect or relegate to the background the challenges you encounter. Face them squarely and your next breakthrough will emerge. Don’t ignore it because that won’t help the matter. When issues naturally keep recurring it means they have not been dealt with. It is your responsibility to ask for God’s mercy so that with clarity, you will understand the matter and gain wisdom to resolve it.

The mercy of God opens your eyes to see truths hidden within your discomfort ordeals. It grants you the grace to make the right decisions. God reveals to us areas in our lives where we need to make adjustments or change completely so that we can attain greater heights. The process through which we adjust and alter our beliefs and attitudes to fit into the demand of God in our lives is called repentance. It goes beyond the baby stage which is confessing your sins when you get born again. Repentance engulfs the overhauling of our beliefs, attitudes and decisions to suit God’s present demand from us even when it hurts or does not seem necessary.  That our hearts do not condemn us  does not mean that those issues are right in the eyes of God. The fact is that our hearts condemn us only on issues that we have knowledge about and can really say are wrong. “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.”(1John 3:20). Only God who knows all things and He alone can effectively convict of us of wrong doings even when our hearts do not judge us. And there are always consequences for our actions and reactions. The law of gravity answers to all whether they are ignorant of it or not. With your level of knowledge notwithstanding, you will crash and will be injured if you jump from a three storey building. When you gather knowledge or receive information, analyse your behaviour and stand point so far to be sure you are on the right track. God shows up in those terrific situations to help us adjust properly. He answers with His mercy showing us which way to go via His Word and people in our environment. It is up to us to sit back, review and analyze the revelation and information we access juxtaposing it with the Word.

The scripture says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.”(Isaiah 55:6). In every circumstance of our lives, God is saying something. We must yearn to learn through the circumstances of life. We must pass through the fire and come out purer and finer than gold else the purpose of such challenges may be defeated. We should learn and grow through them. When we ask for His mercy over our daily experiences, we will achieve this.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”(Isaiah 55:8-9). God also says that He will lead the blind(us) in a way that he knoweth not.” We need His mercy to uncover things. We need it to know what our next move should be. Always be ready to learn and take correction from the Holy Spirit. If you want to overcome in life, you need that bit. Seek for the mercy of God on every experience and ordeal you will ever have to contain in your life.  God will open your eyes to areas you need to make the right adjustments. He will help you!

 “Poju Oyemade”

Psalms 100:1-5; John 4:23
